Project Tenure
April 2020 - Present
About the Project:
The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) has been conducting systematic ocean observation programs to interpret the changing marine ecosystems. These ecosystems are influenced by natural temporal and spatial variability as well as human activities such as fishing, pollution, and global warming. As part of international scientific initiatives, the IEO has collected and analyzed time series of oceanographic data since the 1980s. The observations were initially initiated on the coast of Galicia and later expanded to the Cantabrian and Mediterranean coasts. In 2007, the observation program was divided into two projects: RADIALES, which maintains monthly observations on the northern coast of Spain, and RADMED, which focuses on the Mediterranean coasts with a seasonal frequency. Deep water observations were also started in 2004 in Galicia and the Cantabrian Sea (RADPROF) and in 2006 in the Canary Islands (RAPROCAN). These projects, along with tide gauge networks and satellite data stations, are the foundation of the IEO’s ongoing ocean observation program.
B/O Ángeles Alvariño, one of the oceanographic vessels that carry out the RADIALES campaigns.
B/O Mytilus, the vessel most commonly used for RADIAL Vigo.
Role in Project
Due to the nature of the project, each oceanographic center generates an enormous amount of oceanographic data annually for multiple Essential Oceanographic Variables (EOVs). As part of the plan to improve the information gathered in the project, my main duty is to design and deploy the VGOHAdB database, to store all data produced by our research group.
My primary responsibilities within this project are to design, create, and maintain the database, primarily integrating data from the RADIALES Vigo program. To this end, a workflow has been developed to facilitate optimal data collection for subsequent analysis, homogenization, and population of the database. The database is a relational database in PostgreSQL, with a data structure separated by origins and data types, related by unique identifiers for the operations performed.